Monday, June 27, 2011


In case you hadn't heard, since my last update was forever ago, I DID decide to sign on for another year teaching 5th grade here! We had a lot of news come all at once because in December the school will also be MOVING to an entirely new campus in another part of the city (closer to home for me, thank goodness). The school got new owners and merged with another small school with AMAZING facilities. PLUS we're getting all brand new curriculum for the classrooms that is digitally based because we will all have lap tops, smart boards, student lap tops, etc. It's going to be fantastic!

So since the job market back home hasn't changed at all, I still need experience, the school here is getting more resources and curriculum, and -oh yeah, I love it here- so I am staying! Yahoo!

BUT I will be home for the summer July 12 into the arms of my desperately awaiting parents, doggie, beach, and friends.

I am going to miss my life here, it will be weird since this feels like home now and my life is SO 100% different then it is in Cali...but having time to refresh and rejuvenate will be nice too. Although I might be bored out of my mind without a proper city right outside my we'll see how long I last.

Here are some pictures of the new school site we will be moving to. My classroom isn't finished yet, they are adding two new buildings, so far only the primary building is done. But they will look similar I'm sure.

PS: All the buildings are old hospitals they're completely redoing to make into this amazing school, cool right!

Bratislava is Better with Friends!

My lovely old friend Jen who I went to school with and loved to death back in San Diego, came for part of the week and weekend and we had such a lovely time! She is from Germany, but is getting her masters degree in London so she just swung down for a fun few days together. I had to work so she gallivanted around town on the week days without me, and then in the evenings we went to get drinks, dinners, and to a friends party. Here are her beautiful pictures from around my tiny city, fun to see things through her cameras tourist perspective since everything has just become "normal" to me now, thought you'd like to see too!

The first night I took her for a walk around the city and we ate a shwarma in the square that looks like a movie set. 

While at work she took herself for walks...this is just down my street...

That night she captured the "normal" part of my life, folding laundry...

Then we went out for a drink at a REALLY old church turned into a theatre, then turned into a pub...

 The presidential palace on the other side of my street...

Statues around the city...

Saturday before she went home we went to the mall/riverside to eat and shop a bit. It's probably my FAVORITE place in the summer, for obvious reasons!

Thanks for visiting Jen, had a great time with you! Until next time lady!