This week and weekend was another LEGIT one as we sent our Canadian friend Darryl back home, the world hockey championship is in town, and we spent another picnic afternoon watching our friend Simons baseball game! He is on the Slovak NATIONAL team so it's fun to spend the day outside in the sunshine eating, drinking, listening to the radio, and watching something American. We also went to a packed pub one night to watch the Slovak vs. Slovenia projected on the screen while we cheered along with everyone in their Slovak gear and painted faces "Slovenkooooo, SlovenskooOooo, hey ya! hey ya! hey ya! Slovensko!"
Saturdays Baseball Game With Friends...
Darryls Last Night...

I love her. We can never be parted.

Salsa dancing...
A handful of the hockey guys that are all over the city!
I think this next weekend we are going to try and get out of the city a bit, even if its just for the day. Maybe to another part of Slovakia or maybe to Vienna. I am starting to feel claustrophobic.
Hearts from Slovakia!
those pics are way to sexy girlfriend