Well dear friends, for many reasons I have decided to leave Slovakia this holiday season and not return in the new year. No, I didn't get fired from my job- in fact I was able to leave on great terms with them. And there were other reasons we won't go into here- all I will say is that living abroad alone and having to create an entirely new life is tough! After a year of adventures, some good and some not good, I was ready to come home...at least for now.
My little secret keeper self kept it on the down low for about a month while I said goodbye to everyone in Slovakia, my class, my little city, my precious roomie, and everything else. It wasn't an easy decision, but I am so glad I made it! To make it more fun I decided to surprise my parents on Christmas with the news in a big box that I wouldn't be going back to Bratislava after the holiday.
And OH were they surprised!
*please note my mums new birthday gloves I got her that she refused to take off and my parents kooky Christmas hats they wore all day. Try not to be TOO jealous of my family.
Then mom cried her little eyes out!
i'm in a state of shock!