Sunday, May 8, 2011

Birthdays in Bratislava.

It would appear that EVERYONE whose anyone here was born in May (aka May=month of non stop parties). It started with Phillys birthday last weekend and this week was Shimmys!

Typical Thursday night...obviously making an American style box cake and carrying it from our flat all the way to the pub and stopping to document the ridiculousness of it was necessary...

I didn't drop it even on the cobble stones! Delivered successfully to babycakes Shimmy. 

"lick it seductively!"

"That was terrible! Like this!"

Then this happened...

Some of the birthday crew. I am so so small...

Remember that one time when you and your room mate became best friends in Bratislava and every time you have a drink without eating dinner (accidentally) you start to get REALLY sad about one of you leaving for California for 6 weeks over the summer? 
<3 hurrrrrrrr

Shimmy's real name is Simon, in Slovak pronounded "Shee-moan", but naturally we changed it to "Shimmy Shimmy Coco Puff" a la Nelly's "Country Grammar" song circa 2000 so we could sing it at his baseball games...and because our American mouths have serious issues with "shee-moan". Your welcome Shimmy. Happy birthday little guy!

From Slovakia with LOVE.

1 comment:

  1. So fun! All the birthdays and outtings. I love the nickname too for Simon. I would never get used to saying Shee-moan either. it almost sounds like Simone - the girl name.
