Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Days Like This You Want To Go Home...

I have been sick all week with a terrible sinus, ear, and chest infection. I am already missing home being so sick, and then today happened.

Last night my heart I left back in San Diego ended things with me, so now I am even more upset.

Then today I went to the doctor, got lots of good antibiotics and decongestant but then they wouldn't give me a doctors note to excuse me from work for legal reasons that ended up being my school's fault for not doing paperwork properly. They advised me to stay home, but I can't get paid for it without this doctors note. I can't get the doctors note without my insurance card. The school didn't apply for my permanent insurance card. So yes, I am now uninsured here. Awesome. Thank God roomie was there and her Slovak friend happened to work near there and came to act as a go between since the receptionists we pay extra for to speak English...really don't very well and are kind of jerks. I almost started crying. It was awful.

Then we went to the travel agent to try and book a fun tropical vacation over the 6 days I have off for Easter next week. Now THREE agencies haven't been able to find us anything for those dates...I already ordered a bathing suit and we almost just bought sunscreen. So now we don't know what to do. We both just want to relax in Turkey or Canary Islands or something but NOTHING is working out and its so frustrating.

Then we went to (another) iPhone fixing place that ended up being closed with a sign up in Slovak we couldn't read. We figured it out later that they had moved, but by then I was just so frustrated.

I know living abroad always seems so amazing, but more days then you would think are just like this. And by the end you just want to pack your things and go home and forget this whole "adventure".

Thank God for my friends here though. Don't know what I would do without you all.

From Slovakia with Annoyance and Tears...



  1. Awe Esther this was not a happy note. You've certainly covered up the frustrations of not speaking or reading the language all this time. I can't imagine it except when we went to Puerto Rico and that was a cake walk compared to what you're describing. When you feel better you'll be able to face the world with your usual zest for life. Take care and I'm so happy you have to many friends there. Those people you've had to deal with that didn't take care of your insurance sound just like Americans, idiots.

    Love you girl. Titi Bambi (your pic was so appropriate)

  2. ummm...suggestion from fasha: u may wanna book a trip for easter like a month or 2 in advance. just sayin'.
