Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Import From Sweden.

My love Cassie came to visit me from Sweden on her way to a nerd convention in Austria. 

Best and shortest 2 night visit ever!

Miss you already friend.

She visited me at school and we walked around the river and castle...

And went to the CLUB...

Everyone, including me, is in LOVE with my new coat...

We got her dressed up...

Brunch out at my favorite restaurant here before she left me...

New room mate was our 3rd amigo for the lovely 2 days...

1 comment:

  1. Spring and fall are my favorite! I wish we had them in Socal but will just have to suck it up with the perpetual version of spring and summer all year long.
    I also love your gorgy coat. Isn't red so fun? Not that its an attention getter or anything.

    You two look like you're enjoying your time together - stuck like glue.
    The houses remind me of suburban Canada - minus the castle of course.
    The picture with the sign streets on a pole is def poster material. Please send JPEG so I can print here.
    I miss you and love you so much. Please hurry home.
