Saturday, January 22, 2011

Finally the Weekend

Oh, another LONG week with crazy Kindergarteners. I really do love my job, but it is exhausting. And now I remember why I was ok with doing something else awhile before doing this. But is a blast, and even though planning and prep takes up some of my free time in the evenings and weekends...I just love it!

They were really testing me in the afternoons, so Miss Esther had to be a little meaner then usual at times. We have found it difficult to do mostly positive reinforcement with the kids because they don't understand very much English. They don't understand "We walk in the classroom please"...but they DO understand "DONT RUN INSIDE!" or even better with my really low English learners we do "RUNNING. IN CLASSROOM. NO" each with a corresponding hand motion- haha. But I must say, understanding what they are trying to communicate and communicating back to them with hand motions is becoming normal for me now. I have to make sure and "turn it off" when the day is over actually! I have picked up some of what they say a lot...

"nevium" is "I dont know" which is what one of little boys always says because he'll jabber off in Slovak to me EVERYDAY and Ill tell him, "darling, you have to try in English, you know I don't understand" and he'll just shrug his shoulders and say "okkkk nevium" and walk away. 

Theres the German girls who always say, "Was machst Du?" which as asking me what I am doing...but we taught them how to say it in English now so they are trying and its pretty stinkin cute" "Mish Esther, wash you doing?"

I implemented sticker charts for each week now, its a "caught doing good" method that is more tangible for them then just the positive words...that they don't understand. They are suddenly much better at brushing teeth, cleaning up, raising their hand, and getting ready to go outside then ever before-hehe. We still have work to do...I can not send them to the next grade level without them being able to get dressed to go outside by themselves at least!

Speaking of which...yesterday we were going outside and all the children had already gone and I was left with the 2 stragglers. I finally had both of them dressed when a little guy just looks up at me and says, "Miss Esther. Toilet.". I just covered my face with my hands and started laughing in an annoyed way...he just kept saying, "me sorry! me sorry!". So off the coat and snow pants, regular pants, and tights went, and he went to the toilet. It was pretty funny. We always make them go before, but there are always 1-2 who say "I dont have to go" and then this happens! Too funny. 

Another highlight of the week was when one of my favorite little girls (a German speaking one of course) rattles off to me in German during play time and then pulls me over to a little set up she had in the kitchen play area (they build a sort of house everyday, and designate who is Momma and who is Poppa, dress all the babies up and drag some boys to play with them too...omg you would die!!). She has this whole doctor kit set up and I see what we are going to do so I pretend to be coughing and sick, and she gives me shots and puts on band aids and talks to me in German more...and we just went on like this for 10 minutes. IT WAS SO CUTE!!! I try and do prep work during their play times so I dont have to work during my free time, but I also try and balance it out with actually playing with them a few times a week. Its all constructive play and well...its the best part of my "job".  So let me know if you want to come help drag all the classroom chairs over to the opposite corner, get dressed up, grab a baby, and play house anytime soon. Because every morning and afternoon- my class is the place to be, hehe.

I have some cute pictures from the last few days but I left my camera at school accidentally, so you will have to wait until Monday.

Tonight we are going into the city to either go to an underground tea room which is a converted bunker, or to a cool bar...I am hoping to convince the troops to take us somewhere where there is live music or dancing.

SO EXCITED for Munich next week and an extra day off!!! Now trying to figure out where I want to go for our week off in February...

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